Well, the day finally arrived.  Time to venture out into the unknown once
again.  After sitting for the better part
of 4 months, it was a welcomed moment! 
Of course, my adventures will be limited quite a bit for a while longer…however, I have no plans to concern myself over THAT!
     I have been taking a very exciting online course over the
last 6 weeks to learn the ins and outs of freelance copywriting
(marketing…sales letters/packages).  I am
shocked actually at how much fun it has been since I have a history of sales
aversion, but this challenges my writing skills and is totally opening my mind
to a new perspective.  My first
assignment received a very high rating and I’m currently working on a much more
extensive task!  There is more to learn and
I’m anxious to absorb it all and get my first client!!!
     My first stop was to Orange Grove Campground in Kissimmee,
FL.  The best part of the whole week was
the pool and the lizard-inhabited gazebo! LOL 
My first day…when I saw the buds on
the unusual cactus, I secretly wished
that they would bloom before I left.

Can you tell I’m near Disneyworld?
My nest turn was onto Princess Way!

One of my many such work
buddies under the gazebo

Cactus bloom and another
beautiful viny flower

Day 7…IT BLOOMED the morning
I left! 

Another cutie!

A friend of Mr. Lizard!

Not having a/c in Van-Go, the heat/humidity mix is less than pleasant,
so the pool was a wonderful treat.  So
much for ‘weather-friendly’ travel…the best laid plans, you know…LOL

     I met the most interesting woman the day before I left.  Bright Spot – Her name is Karen.  First, I’d like to apologize to her when she
reads this as I misplaced the paper with the details of her fun story and I
will do the best I can from memory.  She
and her husband are assemblers!  They get
their work through Assemblers Inc.  They
work “outside the box!”  They are the
behind the scenes technicians that put together the awesome products you see on
display at your favorite stores.  Grills,
swing sets, exercise equipment, bicycles, entertainment centers and much more.  Karen and her husband have worked out of at
least 6 different states in the last 16 years. 
Their son used to help out, but now, at the age of 22, he has his CDL
license and is driving big rigs for a living! 
Congrats!  Thanks for sharing your
cool job details.  I hope I didn’t forget
Karen…her t-shirt displays the name
of the current company they are doing
assemblies for

Along the window sill in the office

OMG…so exciting.  The owner has been
collecting them for years!
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