At the entrance of the walkway across
the dam

The dam

WOW…a caterpillar reunion!!!

    For a relatively small town, Glen Rose has shown its worth during our visit here.  We happened upon the Big Rocks Park while on a geo-cache search…(more on this later). After we uncovered the hidden treasure, we walked around the park….it was awesome!  Very unique!
   Around the area where Pie Peddlers is was the town square and some quaint little shops and even driving through town had its treasures…both of which were very cool!

Along the street on the wall of a body shop

In the town square

Along the road

I was backing into a property to get a
picture of the abandoned buildings
and when I turned around, I wasn’t 100 feet
from this enormous bull with no gate between

Cool abandoned building

I have no idea what this building was at some point,
but it was so unique in its structure…there were trees
growing within too.

Another angle…I’d love to get my hands on
a shell like this one and just let my imagination
run wild fixing it up!!!
Using someone else’s money, of course…lol

One of the 3 signs that made me laugh out loud that I saw
in one of the local shops

Great advice…lol

This one is a hoot!!!

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