There are many types of journeys. Some are so wonderful that you wish they could go on forever. Some are brief, yet nonetheless memorable. A few perhaps are less than delightful…LOL I recently completed a 6 month journey where every step along the way was more exciting than the one before!!! The details may not seem to be quite so spectacular to most, so I’m going to leave them out. Suffice it to say that the design was truly inspired and I thought it would be fun to share the masterpiece with you! It is truly a work of art. Read More
Month: January 2014
Have you acquired a 2014 calendar yet? Beware! LOL All my life, I’ve worked with calendars that began with Sunday and ended with Saturday! I was sure that all calendars were set up that way. WELL…I have recently learned that only monthly calendars are set up that way! Weekly calendars begin with Monday and end on Sunday! Hence, the expression…weekend! This discovery caused a bit of a shake-up to my visual system. To make matters worse, I bought a blank calendar with great over sized boxes that were going to be perfect to jot down travel notes. GivenRead More