It’s ALL part of the journey…I’ve been gifted with seeing little messages
lately that have helped me be “ok” with my temporary changes in travel plans.
I am grateful for them.

      Wow, life is just full of twists and turns!!!  Van-Go is experiencing what appears to be a mysterious “condition” rendering her unable to be diagnosed so far!  I’ve got the best of the best assigned to the case…my friend Vince!  If we can all send our highest level of cheer and support his way…that would be great!!!  I KNOW there’s a solution to be had because Van-Go is destined to travel and help me spread those amazing Bright Spots.  So let’s send her our well wishes!
     I’m feeling much better…yeah…bronchitis cleared up with just a slight residual cough that sporadically barks…LOL
     Family Bright Spot-my daughter-in-law’s foot surgery went extremely well…much less complicated than was previously anticipated!!!  Woo!  Hoo!  Go, Meg and the Doc!
     Despite Van-Go’s temporary inability to transport me…I’ve been blessed with other means of getting around in order to catch a bit of life here and there!  Breeze, my scooter, my feet and my daughter’s car…Thanks Rachel!

Breeze’s first trip to the gas station…half a
gallon and $1.80 later and he’s ready for
the next 100+ miles!!!
We took to the real road the other day
where traffic lights and cars were and
we did great…slow, but great…LOL
Walking along the promenade in Havre de Grace
(a historical town in NE MD)

The lighthouse on the Susquehanna River…
this is where I lived before my move to New
Mexico when I retired in 2010.

The “Point” 

The Susquehanna River…flows into the
Chesapeake Bay…I spent a year taking
sunrise pics in 2004.
Breathtaking…I’ll try to get a few soon and post them!
Spent a day cheering on the
construction of a very intricate Leggo

A friend’s 60th birthday party…
never saw such a clever and fun display
of cupcakes!

Oooohh!  What a Willow!!!

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