I’m not exactly certain how this whole search for the hearts in nature came about, but when it did a phenomenon occurred.  It seemed that every walk I took, every glance to the ground, the trees, the sky there was evidence that the heart of Mother Nature was all around.  All I needed to do was be open to seeing it.  The following pictures were taken during the course of 5 different hikes in Virginia and North Carolina and the beach in Delaware.  Once, I placed my focus on having this experience, the universe said, “Okay, girl, you asked for it!”  Some may seem like a stretch, but each one caught my attention!  What fun I had seeking the love all around me.  Sometimes, I looked for it and sometimes it found ME!  Enjoy!

Heart in a heart

Orange heart moss

Look closely…it’s right smack in
the center

Fancy heart fungus

It’s a bunch

These were fun…dancing in the breeze

The vine…the whole looks a little like
a pretzel, but the top right section is the

Dried dirt or clay heart

A broken heart

Not the shell, but its shadow

The tear in the leaf

Dead center…dark


The space between the roots just about
center…leaning to the left

The formation of the clump

Same idea

Larger yellow…smaller white above

Another holy heart!

I just realized that clover are made up of 3
hearts with points joined at the stem

The right side is muddled, but you can
imagine exactly where it would be!

A bit of a stretch, huh?

Black heart with a white splinter


Looks a little bit dented in

Missing bark heart

On the side of Van – Go!!!
Spread the love

One Reply to “VA, DE, NC – For the Love of Nature”

  1. Yes, be careful what you ask for because it will happen!! Love these pictures. When you get here, I will show my answer received from a request I made. I just love how all this works!!!

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