Last week a few of us went to have dinner at Megan’s (my daughter-in-law) Aunt and Uncle’s house. Pasta…shells, my fave…meatballs…and salad! Deee-lish! While Megan did her Aunt Terry’s hair, Ron (Uncle) asked if anyone wanted to go out on the Gunpowder River for a little ride. OMG! I was the first one to raise my hand! Four of us adults and 2 kids jumped on board and off we went into the setting sun! It was fabulous. I learned about the ‘no wake zone’ (gotta go slow enough that you don’t create white caps) and that a knot equal 1.6 mph and that you better have a life jacket for each person in case the water patrol stops you! Also, a certain ‘level’ of water police can stop you , get into your boat and search everywhere without even asking you…WOW!
It was so much fun seeing areas I’ve seen many times but from the water side AND I got to drive the boat for awhile…yippee!!!
This family went all out….PALM TREES |
Hungry crane ready for just the right dinner |
Terry and Ron’s neighbors even created a BEACH |
Awesome experience being on the water at sunset |
My favorite part of boat rides!!! |
My daughter Rachel showing me how it’s done! |
“OK, Ron, if you can’t look…sit down!” |
“Fell better now?” LOL
We arrived back at the pier… safe, sound and serene! Thanks, Ron! |