A few days after my last post, I discovered that I had “another” kidney stone. As it turns out, the surgeon in Texas didn’t really get THAT one. It got blasted enough to stop blockage, but then the majority of it moved up into the lower kidney region. He assured me he ‘got it all’ even though he didn’t do a follow up ultrasound and because of that, it grew another 3 mm and began to rear its ugly self when I was in NC. That eliminated, OH, MI, R.I., ME and Canada from the itinerary! So, forRead More
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While I was laying low in Albuquerque, I DID have the opportunity to talk to a few wonderful people. BRIGHT SPOT – Brad and Jane are relatively new friends of mine. I know them through a mutual friend. I never knew what they did though. We had an opportunity to chat a little one day and I was so excited about what their service is, I had to share. Basically, they assist elderly folks transition from their own personal homes to either Senior living facilities or to smaller residences/apartments. They actually find them a place according to their wantsRead More
Sometimes a girl’s just gotta say, WHOA! Three full years of full time travel, two weeks in Ecuador, two recent weeks with family…all spectacular…all pointing to a period of rest and reflection. Many times when I need answers to questions, important questions, I have been given answers. These answers have risen up from a beautiful, trustworthy yet oftentimes subtle place within me. As long as I LISTEN, the guidance comes. Well, as you might imagine, when there is a great deal of noise and activity, it can be difficult to hear the response you are seeking. Read More
Family pic…kinda normal…lolWe missed you, Adam. Hope you feelbetter soon! Family pic…seriously goofy…lol It is ALWAYS a special time for me when I go home to spend time with my family!!! Even though we keep in close touch through phone calls and texting, it’s the hugs I miss! The group laughter is right up there, too! So, this visit, I spent a lot of time hugging, laughing and watching my family enjoy each other! It was a particularly delightful two weeks. Thanks, gang! See you again real soon…like June!!! A Grammy sleepover with thegrandkids…so much fun Cameron practicing hisFrench hornRead More
View from our room at theHoward Johnson’s Before we got on the road to Quito, we hung around the Hacienda taking a few more pictures and just admiring the over all ambiance. I had started feeling out of sorts the night before…dry cough, dry mouth…so it was great that it only took us about an hour and a half to drive to Quito, our final destination. Bud and I walked into town to find a pharmacy to get a decongestant, vitamin C and Hall’s thinking that would take care of my symptoms. By mid afternoon, I had a lowRead More
I love cobblestone Fog drifting in behind us In the morning, we left immediately after breakfast and headed off to Crater Lake which was awesome. On the way, we passed a section through the mountain where the heavy rains had caused a rock slide. There were men shoveling up rocks and dumping them over the side. We arrived at the lake just in time, too. Approximately 20 minutes later, the fog started moving fast and it covered the entire lake…visibility – zero! Still, there were folks taking a donkey ride down to the base. We had a pretty lameRead More
We spent most of the day on the road driving through some pretty ‘iffy’ stretches of mountain. We stopped and had a bite to eat around lunchtime. While Bud was driving, I saw an amazing sight…on a scooter was the driver, a woman facing away from him, a 1 year old standing up facing her and then another woman at the end facing the baby!!! A baby sandwich…4 people on one scooter…welcome to Ecuador…lol I30 was completely torn up for about 3 miles. We finally reached a road in Pinchincha that was somewhat paved and inRead More
A well deserved break…lol Having dinner in Puerto Lopez the night before was a blessing in disguise…our drive there in the morning was smooth…we didn’t even ‘officially’ get lost…lol. Puerto Lopez is an old fishing town and one of the main tourist attractions is Isla de le Plata (Silver Island). It is about 50 km off the coast of Manabi and is part of the Machalilla National Park. It got its name from the large amount of guano (bird droppings) that stain the island’s dark cliffs. It appears to illuminate in the moonlight, once helping sailors navigate the oceanRead More
Yeah…the Pacific Ocean Up early for a walk along the rocky beach with Bud and Choco, the resident pup. The only thing better than the ocean at night is the ocean in the morning! We walked for over an hour spying all sorts of fabulous treasures on the beach, feeling the crisp air, marveling over the motion of the ocean and enjoying our playful spirit. Breakfast with 8 people was delightful. We all shared our ‘stories’. It never fails to amaze me how interesting, similar and diverse our lives are. I love it! A fisherman with his morning catch LooksRead More
Our room The B&B Oh, boy, here we go…a 6 + hour drive through the mountains…hhmmm…sound familiar? LOL But guess what? All the way were paved roads…YES!!! Bud was especially thrilled and grateful. About 4 hours in, the sky opened up and down came blinding rain! It rained so hard we could barely see where we were going. Slow and easy was the order. It didn’t last too long though and at the first sign of sky, Bud spotted an incredible view off to our right. He pulled into a long unpaved road and parked. We got outRead More