Getting around the house is becoming easier…doing things upright on one foot still tires me, so I just do things in stages. The knee walker has been a great help! I can’t use it for everything though…like doing laundry. If I could tape that…it would be a candidate for America’s Funniest Videos for sure! I tried a couple new dishes this week. Blueberry-ricotta pancakes and Zucchini pasta. The additional ingredients in the pancakes them a little ‘mushy’, but very tasty. The ‘pasta maker’ gadget was loads of fun to use. An entire zucchini’s worth of curlinessRead More
Category: Uncategorized
I love life’s little surprises! Heck, I love life’s big surprises, too!!! Noticing anything unusual about this restaurant? Yep, it is closed…empty…except for ME! Today I had to go to the post office. It took a while. I also needed to stop at Walmart for salad fixins. It was 1:45. I was hungry. That wonderful Texas Roadhouse was still right there on the same lot. I decided it would be better to eat something light there than to go into Walmart really hungry!!! So I parked, grabbed my crutches and attempted to open the door…it wasRead More
What a fun day I had! My Mother’s Day treats to me from me. First, I drove 34 miles just to stock up on the ice tea that I love….only Whole Foods carries it….it was absolutely worth it! Then, I went to the Oasis Salon for a long overdue haircut. No, that’s not me…LOL But this is my new hairstyle! There I met Jonesy, the wonderful woman who did exactly what I asked her to do with my hair….unheard of!!! She convinced me to have my eyebrows waxed…a first for me! I was so excited! Well,Read More
Days are flying by with my renewed passion for writing. I bought 11 Kindle edition books about fiction writing and I’ve read 4 of them in the last week! I’m taking notes, experimenting, and watching flix recommended that demonstrate plot and dialogue genius. I’ve registered for 2 literary contests and my daughter Rachel and I are trying out a fun activity. We select a writing prompt, choose a deadline for manuscript completion and then share our stories. Our first task will be shared this Saturday. It’ll be interesting to see what each of our minds guided us toRead More
“Oh…how they’ve grown”!!! – feathers, folded wings, wobbly legs and big ‘ole feet!!! The picture quality is not fabulous this round, but you’ll get a decent idea of what is going on. I find it extremely interesting that the siblings seem to have very different temperaments and personalities at this young age. There’s the hungry, bold, ‘me first’ one and then there’s the hungry, laid back, ‘I’ll watch and wait my turn…..until I can’t take it anymore, then I’m going in’ one…LOL Your brother is awake and stretchinghis wings. You sure are hungry this morning! Eat,Read More
I mentioned in my previous post that not much was happening…well, I’m hereby retracting that statement. I am writing again and that, for me, is a big ‘happening’! I guess my thought was that the things that were happening BEFORE the accident are not happening much now! The journey is definitely still on! I’m currently on a different road than originally planned; however, the ADVENTURE continues! I thought I would include a writing or so of mine as part of the blog…given the fact that that IS what’s going on! There is a quarterly contest forRead More
***Not a WHOLE lot happening, but what IS happening is good! I got a great report from the orthopedic surgeon regarding my foot. She said it’s healing well and has remained in a perfect position for bonding. I learned that the heel bone is one of those really important bones that takes quite a while to heal completely. So…the timeline caught me off guard a bit….approximately 2 more months with boot and no pressure on foot (sitting a lot) then a month or so to get the whole walking thing down again (with boot in house, withRead More
It’s been a weird few days! I gotta say though for the most part I’ve been feeling and doing terrific since the accident. But this week so far my state of mind and overall mood has been immensely labile!!! I can’t even remember the last time I was so “roller coaster-ish”. Not fun at all! Naps have helped!!! I am grateful. I am angry. I am puzzled out! I fall asleep when I try to read. There is absolutely NOTHING on TV. I keep banging my foot into things. Food is boring! Every single thing IRead More
Since my accident, I have been thinking a lot about living and life because I could have lost mine that afternoon. I have thought about what has brought me to this point in my life and what means the most to me and one of them is friendship. Friends are such an important part of our lives. We look up to our friends and respect them. We want them to be happy. We really like them. We love interacting with them either in person or across the Web. We trust them. We love to makeRead More
My first REAL outing on the knee walker! Hooray…I’m sorta mobile! Walker arrived on Thursday!!! This morning Marie and I went to the Spring Fairy Festival in St. Pete’s and it was great! I got around pretty darn good. Of course, the sidewalk was so much more fun than the grass and dirt…BUT it was all doable! Kids, adults and pets were donned with feathers, butterflies, ribbons, wings and pointy ears!!! It reminded me of the Renaissance Festivals I’ve gone to in the past where I usually dressed the part of a wench….lots of fun! MarieRead More